Tobacco Pipes

Burley Pipe Tobacco Review

Burley can be described as one of the most versatile in the tobacco industry. Today, we’ll explore Burley’s history, compare it to Virginia tobacco, and how these two varietals differ but also work together in harmony in tobacco blends. Burley is also used in various products ranging from cigars to cigarettes to snuff. We’ll also examine Burley’s role in the pipe tobacco industry and blends.

A Brief History of Burley Tobacco

Historical records suggest that Burley tobacco emerged through natural hybridization between various strains of Nicotiana Tabacum. But Burley entered the tobacco blending scene relatively late.

Its origins are credited to George Webb and Joseph Fore back in 1864. The ‘new’ plants they harvested had distinct leaves from the typical Kentucky varietals. The leaves were thinner, with a color gradient from white to yellowish, compared to other tobacco plants like Virginia. The tobacco known as White Burley emerged after planting and harvesting these seeds in a field. Nowadays, it’s called Burley — a name that’s recognized throughout the industry.

Burley’s defining feature is air-curing rather than flue- or smoke-curing, usually used for Virginia and Oriental tobacco. When farmers air-cure their tobacco, they suspend the leaves in open-air barns to dry the leaves. Because the leaves dry slowly, the tobacco’s characteristics and flavor profile are preserved.

Air-curing Burley leaves lead to lower sugar content, higher nicotine levels, and a robust, earthy flavor profile. These unique attributes propelled Burley to prominence in the tobacco world. And into the hearts and pipe smokers.

Burley vs. Virginia Tobacco Blends

Before continuing our journey into Burley’s fascinating world, let’s make a quick pit stop. While Burley and Virginia may be closely related, they have some key differences. Both are equally popular on the tobacco blender’s workbench. We’ll briefly look at the differences below.

Virginia Blends

Dried tobacco isolated on white background

Virginia tobacco reigns supreme as the top choice for smokers worldwide. Virginia is known for its mild taste and naturally high sugar content, which delivers sweetness. Virginia is an all-round workhorse of the tobacco industry. You’ll find Virginia in almost every blend because it’s a reliable burner and helps kickstart the lighting process easily. It’s the go-to pick for those who prefer a gentler, sweeter pipe-smoking experience.

This tobacco can take on various profiles, from light and sweet to robust and earthy, depending on the curing process:

  • Gold, red, and brown Virginia tobaccos undergo flue-curing. Varying curing durations determine their strength and sweetness.
  • Bright Virginias can yield light, sweet tobacco with hints of hay or grass.
  • Red and brown Virginias, due to extended curing, burn slower and cooler, offering fruity or nutty, woody flavors.
  • Dark Virginia, subject to more direct heat, turns almost black, losing sugar content. Experienced smokers favor Dark Virginia for its strength, cool burn, and rich, smoky, leathery flavors.

Burley Blends

Burley has a unique quality — it readily absorbs flavors from other tobacco and additives. While Burley may not contribute much to the taste when combined with Virginias, it slows down the burn rate and adds a touch of nicotine. Burley is an experience enhancer — it makes its (nicotine) presence felt in the body of the smoke.

Dark Fire Cured Burley, or Kentucky tobacco, is a robust and deeply flavorful version. It’s frequently blended with Dark Virginias to create a memorable smoking experience. Like its Dark Virginia counterpart, Kentucky delivers a powerful punch of taste. Expect earthy, smoky, woody, and even cigar-like notes when you light up.

Maryland tobacco, while now less common, still appears in some blends. It shares many characteristics with Burley but is notably milder due to its air-cured process. Despite its mildness, Maryland tobacco has recently fallen out of favor.

The table below summarizes the differences between Virginia and Burley tobacco.

CharacteristicBurley TobaccoVirginia Tobacco
FlavorMild, earthySweet, fruity
Nicotine contentHighLow
Sugar contentLowHigh
Curing methodAir-curedFlue-cured
Typical usesCigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobaccoPipe tobacco, cigars, cigarettes

Different Uses of Burley Tobacco

Burley tobacco’s versatility shines through in a wide range of applications. Do you love cigars? Are you a regular cigarette smoker? A devoted pipe enthusiast? There’s likely a Burley blend present in your tobacco products!

Let’s look at some of the products where you’ll find Burley apart from pipe tobacco:

Burley as a Cigar Filler

Burley leaves are sometimes used as the filler leaf in cigars. It will bring the blend a mild, nutty flavor, often accompanied by a subtle sweetness. What is a cigar filler? Check out our post about cigar anatomy. Burley is frequently combined with varietals like Dominican, Nicaraguan, or Connecticut wrappers to create cigars that offer a balanced and smooth smoking experience. Burley leaves add to the cigar’s taste notes, aroma, and complexity.

Burley in Cigarettes

Besides Virginia, Burley tobacco is also important in the cigarette industry. Because Burley absorbs flavorings easily, it can also ‘carry’ flavors, providing body and depth to the cigarette.

Aromatic Burley Blends

Aromatic blends often feature Burley with Virginia or Cavendish tobaccos infused with various flavors such as vanilla, cherry, or chocolate. The result is a sweeter and more fragrant smoking experience. Aromatic Burley blends offer an excellent introduction to the world of flavored tobacco.

Burley for Chewing Tobacco

Because Burley releases its flavors slowly, it is often used in chewing tobacco products. Tobacco chewers enjoy Burley because it doesn’t deliver an overwhelming sweetness.

Burley as a Base in Snuff

Ground Burley is often used as the base for many snuff varieties. Snuff enthusiasts aren’t left wanting a robust and satisfying tobacco experience. Once again, this highlights Burley’s versatile uses in the tobacco industry.

But you’re reading this because you’re a pipe smoker! We should shift to Burley blends and pipes in the next section without further ado.

Burley Tobacco in Pipe Tobacco Blends

While Burley tobacco finds its place in various tobacco products, it is especially celebrated in pipe smoking. Let’s explore how blenders use Burley to create interesting and flavorful pipe tobacco blends below.

Straight Burley Blends for Pipes

For those who appreciate the unadulterated essence of Burley tobacco, straight Burley blends are a pure delight. These blends typically contain Burley leaves with minimal extra flavorings or additives. The result is a robust and straightforward Burley smoke characterized by its nutty and earthy undertones. A straight Burley blend is perfect for those who seek the ‘truest’ expression of this unique tobacco.

Burley-Virginia Blends

One of the classic combinations in pipe tobacco is the marriage of Burley and Virginia tobaccos. Virginia complements Burley’s earthiness beautifully with its naturally sweet and bright characteristics. Burley-Virginia mixtures offer a balanced and nuanced smoking experience with a touch of sweetness. Because Burley burns slower than Virginia, you’ll have a longer-lasting smoking session. Let’s face it: There’s nothing worse than a rushed pipe-smoking session!

Burley-Perique Blends

Burley-Perique blends offer a full-bodied, complex, and spicy smoking experience. Perique, known for its robust and peppery flavor, pairs exceptionally well with Burley’s earthy base. It is a favorite option among seasoned pipe connoisseurs.

Aromatic Burley Blends

Burley plays a pivotal role in aromatic pipe tobacco. These blends often feature Burley mixed with Virginia or Cavendish tobaccos. Infusions like vanilla, cherry, chocolate, or exotic fruit notes are common favorites. Aromatic Burley blends offer a sweeter and more fragrant smoking experience — appealing to those with a penchant for flavored tobaccos.

Burley-English Blends

English-style blends are known for their smoky and robust taste experience. Adding Burley to the mixture provided depth and balance. English blends typically consist of Latakia, Oriental, and Virginia tobaccos. Burley will add mellowness and a subtle sweetness to the smoking experience, and you’ll enjoy a more well-rounded smoke.

Unique Characteristics of Burley Tobacco

Burley’s unique characteristics as a building block in pipe tobacco mixtures set it apart from other types of tobacco. Read on to discover why it is so popular among pipe smokers:

  • Low Sugar Content. Burley, when compared to Virginia, is notably lower in sugars. This low sugar content imparts a mild sweetness to Burley. Lower sugar levels mean it can absorb flavors easily and complement other flavors when used in pipe blends. It provides a ‘blank’ canvas for master blenders to create various flavor profiles. Lower sugar levels also mean Burley won’t have a hot burn, which may lead to tongue bite.
  • High Nicotine Levels. Burley tobacco is celebrated for its higher nicotine content. Those smokers who seek a nice nicotine hit when smoking are never disappointed. I don’t know about you, but I love my morning nicotine and caffeine. Many of the blends I smoke contain a fair amount of Burley, which helps to settle those early morning nicotine cravings. Blenders cater to those who appreciate a stronger nicotine presence.
  • Cool and Slow Burn. Burley tobacco’s ability to burn cool and slowly is prized by pipe smokers worldwide. You’re probably wondering why it is crucial. A slow and even burn is essential for savoring your pipe tobacco’s flavors.
  • Versatility in Pipe Blends. Burley is recognized worldwide for its versatility in pipe blends. It can be blended with other tobaccos to create a variety of flavors, from the simple to the complex and full-bodied. Whether you’re a straight Burley fan or prefer a blend, there’s a Burley tobacco that will satisfy your smoking needs.
  • Low Acidity Levels. Burley has a neutral pH level of around 7, while Virginia tobacco has an acidic pH of about 5. When you blend Burley with Virginia, it neutralizes the Virginia tobacco’s acidity, resulting in a smoother, more mellow smoke. Think along these lines: Imagine drinking a glass of orange juice. Orange juice has a slightly acidic and tart taste. When you add some sugar, you neutralize the acidity, and the liquid will taste smoother and sweeter.

In the same way, Burley tobacco can help neutralize Virginia tobacco’s acidity, making the smoke smoother and more palatable. This is why Burley tobacco is often used in blends with Virginia tobacco. So, next time you light up a pipe, take a moment to appreciate Burley tobacco’s role in creating a smooth, enjoyable smoke.

Exploring the World of Burley Tobacco in Pipe Smoking

For those intrigued by the richness of Burley tobacco in the context of pipe smoking, Burley Kentucky and King Burley tobacco offer many options. Remember that the enjoyment of pipes is a personal preference based on experience. White and dark Burley tobacco each offer you different smoking experiences. Smoking a pipe is about the journey and not the destination. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

If you’re a newbie to Burley tobacco in pipes, start with a well-balanced blend containing Burley. The key is asking for a combination of Burley and other tobacco types. This will help you understand its distinct characteristics while enjoying your pipe. For seasoned pipe enthusiasts, opt for pure Burley or burley-heavy blends.

Furthermore, the art of pipe smoking and tobacco blending is not limited to commercial choices. Many pipe smokers blend their tobacco, allowing them to tailor the flavor profile to their preferences. You’ll embark on a journey of endless possibilities for experimentation.


Burley tobacco, with its rich history and unique qualities, is a versatile choice when seeking out a pipe blend that provides pipe smokers with a wide variety of choices. Burley tobacco offers blenders various options, from aromatic blends to blending with Virginia to Perique to Burley-only blends. There’s something for everyone to delight enthusiast’s palates.

As you experiment with different Burley blends, remember it’s a personal journey with no right or wrong options. It’s a journey that promises to reveal the intricate and nuanced flavors that have made Burley tobacco a timeless favorite among pipe connoisseurs. May your pipe always be filled with the richness of Burley, and your moments of relaxation be accompanied by its comforting embrace. Happy Smoking!

Andrew Olsen, a Musicology Ph.D., explores the intersections of art, literature, and music. Beyond academics, he's a cigar aficionado who revels in experimenting with pipe tobacco blends and collecting vintage and new pipes. Other pursuits include reading about cigars and tobacco pipes, blends, and (of course) writing about it.

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